Nuevamente los observadores lunares somos protagonistas de la revista especializada en observación lunar más importante del mundo, The Lunar Observer (88 meses seguidos de observaciones y textos de nuestra asociación publicados allí)
La revista se
puede descargar de la web de ALPO:
En la portada se
referencian los artículos de miembros de la SLA aparecidos en este número (ya
publicados en entradas anteriores, salvo la Sección Focus On, que aparecerá en
una edición especial de “El Mensajero de la Luna”):
In This Issue
The Contributors Lunar Reflections, D. Teske 2 Observations Received 3 By the
Numbers 5 Articles International Observe the Moon Night, October 1, 2022, M.
Deconinck 6 Vallis Rheita, R. Hill 7 The Moon and the Werewolf, G.
Scheidereiter 8 Brights and Shadows Around Plato, A. Anunziato 15 Mare
on the Edge, R. Hill 18 An Impressionist View of Galilaei and Galilaei A, A.
Anunziato 19 Focus-On and Recent Topographic Studies Focus-On: Ever Changing
Eratosthenes, A. Anunziato 21 Eratosthenes, R. H. Hays, Jr. 28 Recent
Topographic Studies 55 Lunar Geologic Change and Buried Basins Lunar Geologic
Change Detection Program, T. Cook 111 Basin and Buried Crater Project, T. Cook
117 In Every Issue Lunar Calendar, November 2022 119 An Invitation to Join
A.L.P.O. 119 Submission Through the ALPO Lunar Archive 120 When Submitting
Image to the ALPO Lunar Section 121 Future Focus-On Articles 121 Focus-On
Announcement: Land of Cracks: Petavius 122 Focus-On Announcement: Expedition to
Mare Nubium 123 Key to Images in this Issue 124
En “Lunar
topographical studies” se mencionan las siguientes observaciones (pág.3):
Received Lunar Topographic Studies Coordinator – David Teske - Assistant Coordinator– Alberto Anunziato Assistant Coordinator-Wayne Bailey– Website: Name
Location and Organization Image/Article Jonás Alonso Oro Verde, Argentina
Images of Rupes Recta and Taruntius. Alberto Anunziato Paraná, Argentina
Articles and drawings Brights and Shadows Around Plato, An Impressionists View
of Galilaei and Galilaei A and Focus-On: Ever Changing Eratosthenes. Rafael
Benavides Cordoba, Spain Images of Eratosthenes (2). Massimo Bianchi Sassari,
Italy Drawing of Eratosthenes, images of Eratosthenes (2). Ioannis (Yannis) A.
Bouhras Athens, Greece Images of Copernicus and Meton. Ariel Cappelletti
Córdoba, Argentina Image of Eratosthenes. Francisco Alsina Cardinalli Oro
Verde, Argentina Images of Archimedes and Mare Crisium, Eratosthenes (4). Jairo
Chavez Popayán, Colombia Images of 33% Waxing Crescent Moon, 98% Waning Gibbous
Moon and 42% Waning Gibbous Moon. Maurice Collins Palmerston North, New
Zealand Images of Copernicus, 9-day-old Moon, Sinus Iridum, 10-day-old Moon,
Gassendi, 11-day-old Moon, Aristarchus (2) and 13-day-old Moon. Michel
Deconinck Aquarellia Observatory, Artignosc-surVerdon - Provence - France
Drawing of Eratosthenes, images of a 3-D model of Eratosthenes and drawings of
the Waxing Crescent Moon (2). Massimo Dionisi Sassari, Italy Images of
Gruithuisen, Rümker (2), Kies (3), Herschel, Marius, Reiner, Wollaston,
Menelaus, Arago and Capuanus (2). Walter Ricardo Elias AEA, Oro Verde,
Argentina Images of Albategnius, Aliacensis, Aristoteles, Aristarchus, South
and Beaumont. István Zoltán Földvári Budapest, Hungary Drawings of Hell, Montes
Cordillera, Lyot and Gill. César Fornari Oro Verde, Argentina Images of
Proclus and Endymion. Desiré Godoy Oro Verde, Argentina Image or Eratosthenes.
Facundo Gramer AEA, Oro Verde, Argentina Image of Theophilus. Marcelo Mojica
Gundlach Cochabamba, Bolivia Images of Eratosthenes (5). Robert H. Hays,
Jr. Worth, Illinois, USA Article and drawing Eratosthenes. Rik Hill Loudon
Observatory, Tucson, Arizona, USA Article and image Mare on the Edge, Vallis
Rheita and mages of Eratosthenes (14) Leguiza, Eva AEA, Oro Verde, Argentina
Images of Mons Piton and Stöfler. Ron May El Dorado Hills, California, USA
Images of waxing crescent Moon and Mercury occultation (4). KC Pau Hong Kong,
China Images of Eratosthenes (2), Posidonius and Pallas. Jesús Piñeiro San
Antonio de los Altos, Venezuela Image of Eratosthenes. Raúl Roberto Podestá
Formosa, Argentina Images of Theophilus (3) and Posidonius. Eugenio Polito
San Pancrazio Salentino, Italy Images of Albategnius, Alphonsus, Archimedes,
Clavius, Eratosthenes, Gyldén Valley, Maginus, Manilius, Montes Apenninus,
Pallas (2), Plato, Triesnecker, Wallace, Walther (2) and Werner. Erica
Reisenauer Oro Verde, Argentina Images of Curtius and Alphonsus. Guido
Santacana San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA Images of Clavius, Sinus Iridum (2),
Eratosthenes (2) and Copernicus. Germán Savor Oro Verde, Argentina Images of
Vallis Alpes and Aristoteles. Guillermo Scheidereiter LIADA, Rural Area,
Concordia, Entre Ríos, Argentina Images of Eratosthenes (2), Maginus, Proclus,
Maurolycus (2), Archimedes, Halley, Endymion, Copernicus, Bullialdus, Clavius,
North of Moon, sketch of Bullialdus, and article The Moon and the Werewolf.
David Teske Louisville, Mississippi, USA Images of Eratosthenes (11). Román
García Verdier Paraná, Argentina Image of Eratosthenes. Fabio Verza SNdR,
Milan, Italy Image of the waxing crescent Moon, First Quarter Moon, Clavius,
Hainzel, Copernicus, Hayn, Gassendi, Plato, Sinus Iridum and Vallis Alpes.
Christian Viladrich Nattages, France Image of Atlas, Lacus Mortis, Posidonius
(2), Maskelyne Domes and Mare Crisium.
Jairo Chavez (Popayán, Colombia):
Raúl Podestá (Formosa, Argentina):
Observatorio Galileo Galilei (Oro Verde, Argentina):
En la Sección “Lunar Geological Change Detection Program” (páginas 111
y siguientes), se reportan nuestras observaciones:
Routine Reports received for September
included: Jay Albert (Lake Worth, FL, USA – ALPO) observed: Eudoxus, Jansen,
Plato, Posidonius, and Proclus. Alberto Anunzatio (Argentina – SLA)
observed: Aristarchus, Eimmart, Herodotus, Mare Crisium, Mons Pico, Montes
Apenninus, Proclus and Secchi. Maurice Collins (New Zealand – ALPO/BAA/RASNZ)
imaged: Aristarchus, Marius, Mons Rumker and several features. Anthony Cook
(Newtown, UK – ALPO/BAA) imaged: several features in the Short-Wave IR (1.5-
1.7 microns). Massimo Giuntoli (Italy – BAA) observed: Cavendish E. Bob &
Sophie Stuart (Rhayader, UK – BAA) imaged: Cusanus, Mare Humboldtianum, Meton
and Several Features.
Una observación visual de Alberto Anunziato de Herodotus, relacionada
con los controvertidos puntos brillantes en el centro de Herodotus que
ocasionalmente se observan, la observación era en seguimiento de un reporte de
Raffaelo Lena en 2022.
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