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sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2020



Un nuevo número de “The Lunar Observer”, 64 meses seguidos de observaciones publicadas, un gran orgullo.

La revista se puede descargar de la web de ALPO:  http://www.alpo-astronomy.org/gallery3/index.php/Lunar/The-Lunar-Observer/2020/tlo202011  y también del siguiente link:

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DsWZdl3jJkHhPm93iZx7_v0MoT23GVnM/view?usp=sharing En la portada se puede observar la importancia de nuestros aportes en este número (ya publicadas en varias entradas anteriores):

November 2020

In This Issue

Lunar Calendar October 2020 2

An Invitation to Join ALPO 2

Observations Received 3

By the Numbers 5

Submission Through the ALPO Image Achieve 6

When Submitting Observations to the ALPO Lunar Section 7

Call For Observations Focus-On 7

Focus-On Announcement 8

South of Heraclitus, R. Hill 9

Pythagoras-Carpenter Region, H. Eskildsen 10

Orientale (the image that almost wasn’t) H. Eskildsen 11

Northern Moon, H. Eskildsen 13

A 3D Moon, V. H. Cabrera and D. G. Teyssier 14

Taurus-Littrow Base, R. Hill 17

Taruntius, H. Eskildsen 18

Dorsa Geikie, A. Anunziato 24

An “X” Northeast of Nicollet, S. Babino and A. Anunziato 25

Size Comparison Between Full Moons Perigee and Apogee in 2020,

V. H. Cabrera and D. G. Teyssier 28

Shadowplay, R. Hill 29

Central Ridgets on Heraclitus and Stöfler, A. Anunziato 30

Searching Lunar Domes in Mare Crisium:

The Dome Crisium 1 Near Cleomedes G (Preliminary Report), R. Lena 32

ALPO Banded Crater Program 38

Focus-On Lunar Targets 31-40, J. Hubbell 40

Recent Topographic Studies 53

Lunar Geologic Change Detection Program T. Cook 82

Key to Images in this Issue 88

This issue features a number of very interesting articles about the Moon including the very popular Focus-On Lunar Targets by Jerry Hubbell. Howard Eskildsen and Robert Hays, Jr. added articles that complimented these Focus-On targets. The apparent size of the Moon is explored in two articles by Victor Cabrera and Diana Teyssier. Alberto Anunziato and Sergio Babino highlight various lunar targets, as does Rik Hill. Raffaello Lena allowed some of his wonderful lunar dome research to grace our pages. As al-ways, Tony Cook presents a thorough and interesting Lunar Geologic Change Detection article. Howard Eskildsen has begun research again in the ALPO Banded Craters Program. Many thanks to all contribu-tors here. Clear skies and be safe! -David Teske


 En “Lunar topographical studies” se mencionan las siguientes observaciones (pág. 3):




Location and Organization


Jay Albert

Lake Worth, Florida, USA

Images of Arago, Schickard and Tri-esnecker.

Alberto Anunziato

Paraná, Argentina

Drawing and article Dorsa Geikie, An “X” Northeast of Nicollet; Observing the Bottom of Mare Nubium, Central Ridgets on Heraclitus and Stöfler, imag-es of Copernicus (2), Plato, Schickard and drawings of Arago (3).

Sergio Babino

Montevideo, Uruguay

Images and article An “X” Northeast of Nicollet; Observing the Bottom of Mare Nubium, images of Arago, the Serpen-tine Ridge, Lacus Mortis, Grimaldi (2) and Sabine.

Juan Manuel Biagi

Oro Verde, Argentina

Images of Lacus Mortis and Grimaldi.

Victor Cabrera

Astronomical Society of Puebla – “German Martinez Hidalgo” SAP-GMH, city of Puebla, Mexico.

Articles and images A 3D Moon and Size Comparison Between Full Moons Peri-gee and Apogee in 2020.

Francisco Alsina Cardinalli

Oro Verde, Argentina

Image of Mare Nubium, Taruntius, the Serpentine Ridge (3), Lacus Mortis (2), Triesnecker rilles (4), Grimaldi (2), Sab-ine, Schickard and Janssen.

Jairo Chavez

Popayán, Colombia

Image of the Full Moon.

Howard Eskildsen

Ocala, Florida, USA

Articles and images Pythagoras-Carpenter Region, Orientale (the image that almost wasn’t), Northern Moon, Taruntius, images of banded crater Aris-tarchus, banded crater Anaxagoras, banded crater Damoiseau and banded crater Pytheas.

Fernando Gimenez

Montevideo, Uruguay

Image of Bailly.

Desiré Godoy

Oro Verde, Argentina, SLA

Image of Taruntius.

Martín Queirolo Gomez

Montevideo, Uruguay

Image of Schickard.

Marcelo Mojica Gundlach

Cochabamba, Bolivia

Image of Janssen.



Además de todas las imágenes reportadas al Programa Lunar 100, se publicaron imágenes de:

Jairo Chavez:

Alberto Anunziato:

Pedro Romano:

Fernando Surá:

Román García Verdier:


En la Sección “Lunar Geological Change Detection Program” (páginas 82 y siguientes), se reportan nuestras observaciones:

Level 1 – All Reports received for September: Jay Albert (Lake Worth, FL, USA - ALPO) ob-served: Agrippa, Aristarchus, Mare Crisium, the Moon’s conjunction with Mars, Plato, Proclus and Vallis Schroteri. Alberto Anunziato (Argentina - SLA) observed: Aristarchus, Herodotus, Manilius, and Pytheas. Anthony Cook (Newtown, UK – ALPO/BAA/NAS) imaged several features. Daryl Dobbs (UK - BAA) observed: Atlas and Gassendi. Les Fry (UK – NAS) imaged: Anaxagoras, Bullialdus, Clavius, Copernicus, Encke, Mare Frigoris, Mare Smythii, Mee, and Sinus Iridum. Leandro Sid (Argentina - AEA) imaged sev-eral features. Román García Verdier (Argentina – SLA) imaged Alphonsus. Fabio Verza (Italy – UAI) im-aged: Geminus and Lichtenburg.


Y se seleccionaron dos observaciones nuestras para un análisis profundo.

La observación de Román Garcia Verdier de Alphonsus para un análisis de nivel 2 de un reporte de 1958 en Alphonsus y la observación de Alberto Anunziato de Pytheas para un análisis de nivel 3 de un reporte de 1982.

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