mes en la elite de la observación lunar, van 66 meses seguidos en los que
aportamos a The Lunar Observer”, revista que pueden descargar (su número de
enero) aquí:
This Issue Announcements 2 Lunar Calendar October 2020 3 An Invitation to Join
ALPO 3 Observations Received 4 By the Numbers 6 Submission Through the ALPO
Image Achieve 7 When Submitting Observations to the ALPO Lunar Section 8 page
83 Call For Observations Focus-On 8 Focus-On Announcement 9 Schickard Sunrise
Patch, S. Berté 10 Another Dome Home, R. Hill 11 Some Wonders on the Shores of Mare Crisium, A. Anunziato and Sergio
Babino. 12 Lunar Topographic Studies Program: Banded Craters 14 A Fleet Vision of Posidonius Y on Dorsa
Smirnov, A. Anunziato 20 Aristarchus Plateau Region, H. Eskildsen 21 Focus
On: The Lunar 100, Features 41-50, J. Hubbell 22 Lunar 41-50, a Personal View, A. Anunziato 25 Wargentin, R. Hays,
Jr. 37 Recent Topographic Studies 79 Lunar Geologic Change Detection Program,
T. Cook 119 page 84 Key to Images in this Issue 131
artículos mencionados ya han sido publicados en entradas anteriores. Además se
publicaron las siguientes imágenes de nuestros observadores:
Piñeiro (Venezuela): Copernicus
Chavez (Colombia): Luna llena
Colombo (Argentina): Luna menguante
Surá (Argentina): Clavius
Luis Francisco Alsina Cardinalli (Argentina): Mare
la Sección del Lunar Geological Change Detection Program (página 119) se
mencionan las siguientes observaciones:
1 – All Reports received for November: Jay Albert (Lake Worth, FL, USA - ALPO)
observed: Agrippa, Alphonsus, Censorinus, Manilius, Plato, Proclus and Swift. Alberto Anunziato (Argentina - SLA)
observed: Alphonsus and Mons Piton. Juan Manuel Biagi (Argentina – SLA) imaged:
several features. Massimo Alessandro Bianchi (Italy – UAI) observed/imaged:
Aristarchus, Copernicus and Montes Teneriffe. Maurice Collins (New Zealand –
ALPO/BAA/RASNZ) imaged: the Full Moon. Anthony Cook (Newtown, UK –
ALPO/BAA/NAS) observed: Proclus and videoed several features. Daryl Dobbs
(Risca, UK - BAA) observed: Aristarchus and Gassendi. Fernando Ferri (Italy -
UAI) imaged: the Full Moon. Valerio
Fontani (Italy – UAI) imaged: Montes Teneriffe and the Full Moon. Marco Di
Francesco (Italy – UAI) imaged: Aristarchus and Montes Teneriffe. Les Fry (UK –
NAS) imaged: Aristarchus, Hansteen, J Herschel, Kepler, Mersenius, and
Schickard. Rik Hill (Tucson, AZ, USA – ALPO/BAA) imaged: the
Kies area. Jean Marc Lechopier (France – UAI) imaged Montes Teneriffe. Davide
Pistritto (Italy – UAI) imaged: Aristarchus. Trevor Smith (UK – BAA) observed:
Aristarchus, and Atlas. Bob Stuart (Rhayader, UK – BAA/NAS) imaged: Birt,
Copernicus, Eratosthenes, Rupes Recta and Stadius. Franco Taccogna (Italy –
UAI) imaged: Aristarchus, Montes Teneriffe and Prinz. Aldo Tonon (Italy – UAI)
imaged: Copernicus, Mare Frigoris, and Montes Teneriffe. Gary Varney (Pembroke
Pines, FL, USA – ALPO) imaged: Clavius, Plato, and Sinus Iridum. Román García Verdier (Argentina – SLA)
imaged: several features. Ivor Walton (Cranbrook, UK – CADSAS) imaged: the
Moon from a robotic telescope in Chile. Luigi Zanatta (Italy – UAI) imaged Mare
se utilizaron observaciones de Román García Verdier (Mare Crisium) para
analizar en detalle un reporte de Fenómeno Lunar Transitorio de 1948, de Juan
Manuel Biagi (Plato) para analizar un detalle un reporte de FLT de 1938 y de
Alberto Anunziato (Alphonsus ) para analizar un FLT de 1958.
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